About the Dialogue
The role and purpose of the Ministry for the Environment
We are the Government’s primary adviser on environmental matters. We also have a stewardship role. This involves taking a long-term perspective on environmental issues when making decisions.
The Ministry for the Environment was established under the Environment Act 1986. The Act requires us to think broadly as we develop our advice.
This means considering the:
- intrinsic values of ecosystems
- values people place on the environment
- principles of the Treaty of Waitangi
- sustainability of natural and physical resources
- needs of future generations.
We’ve wrapped this into the simple purpose statement for the Ministry: He taiao tōnui mō ngā reanga katoa – a flourishing environment for every generation.
About Kōrero
Kōrero is an online platform run by Dialogue from Delib. The Ministry for the Environment uses it to discuss a variety of environmental issues and topics via ideas, comments, and ratings.
Depending on the topic, discussion spaces will be open to the general public, or targeted to a set group of stakeholders.
We will use ideas and feedback shared in these spaces to help guide or develop environmental policy. Our discussion spaces will also help stakeholders provide feedback on environmental topics and priorities for Ministry for the Environment staff.
Each discussion space will provide more details about:
- the purpose of the conversation
- how long it is open for
- how we will use the feedback.
You will be able to identify Ministry for the Environment staff by their usernames. All Ministry for the Environment staff will have ‘MfE’ at the end of their username.
To make your feedback anonymous, ensure your username does not contain any identifying details, including your first and last name.
For any questions about Kōrero, please contact digital@mfe.govt.nz.